Mother’s Day Thoughts

A year ago on this day, where millions of women were celebrating what they had, I was mourning what I had lost.

Up until a year ago I had always seen Mother’s Day as a happy day, but now realize how painful it can be for some. For those of you out there where this day brings sadness, I pray the Lord turns your mourning into dancing and turns your sorrow into joy.

I know there will be hard times ahead with parenthood and life, but today I am focusing on what He, my heavenly father, has given me. I am so thankful that I get to celebrate Mother’s Day today knowing that we are on track to have our first born child here on earth who gets to call me “mom.” So crazy, so surreal.

(My first Mother's Day cards...)

(My first Mother’s Day cards…)

The message at church today was really interesting and not what I expected it to be.

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Thank you…


Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

Two days after we made our pregnancy announcement, we were headed off to a marriage retreat and away for almost a week.  I have finally had a chance to respond to all of your comments. I read every comment and am trying to respond to each and every one of you.

Thanks for the congratulations and prayers and also thank-you for sharing your stories.  As your comments were coming in, I found myself reading them out loud to Zach during a car ride and not even being able to get through some of them.  My heart hurts for so many of your losses, but also have been excited to read “… and we now have been blessed with Children.”  For those of you who don’t have that happy ending yet, keep pressing in. Continue reading