Mother’s Day Thoughts

A year ago on this day, where millions of women were celebrating what they had, I was mourning what I had lost.

Up until a year ago I had always seen Mother’s Day as a happy day, but now realize how painful it can be for some. For those of you out there where this day brings sadness, I pray the Lord turns your mourning into dancing and turns your sorrow into joy.

I know there will be hard times ahead with parenthood and life, but today I am focusing on what He, my heavenly father, has given me. I am so thankful that I get to celebrate Mother’s Day today knowing that we are on track to have our first born child here on earth who gets to call me “mom.” So crazy, so surreal.

(My first Mother's Day cards...)

(My first Mother’s Day cards…)

The message at church today was really interesting and not what I expected it to be.

Pastor Jamie started off with the verses (Luke 1:39-45) where Mary goes to visit Elizabeth, and as Mary greeted her, Elizabeth’s son, John, lept in her womb and Elizabeth BLESSED Mary. She didn’t think to herself “How come I didn’t have my first child at the young age that Mary is? How come she gets to carry God’s chosen one but I have to carry the child that prepares the way for the savior of the world?” The Bible doesn’t record any of that. It records her words that spoke life into Mary.

It’s hard sometimes to truly be happy for other people. Whether it be the fact that they have kids, a thriving business, they booked the dream gig you always wanted, the spouse you wish you had and the list can go on and on.

Sometimes going without makes us all the more appreciative when we finally do have.

I feel like the correct answer to these feelings of jealousy (or however you want to characterize them), doesn’t seem to make me feel good enough – You have so much more than what most of the world has, just be thankful! That may help put things into perspective momentarily, but never seems to last. True contentment comes from the Lord.

Paul figured it out and mentions it in his book, Philippians (4 :11-13):

Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

It is my hope and prayer that we all begin to take those steps into real contentment and being truly happy for the success and accomplishments of others…

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